Blackboard for Faculty 

Blackboard is a software package designed to help faculty create Web-based instruction , authoring and delivering course materials via the Internet. Blackboard is web based, but you do not have to know html or web design. Blackboard is fairly simple to use. You only need to input content and make your course available to students so that they can use it. If you can send email, and attach a file in email – then you can use blackboard! 

Direct Link to Tuskegee Blackboard


Why Blackboard?

Blackboard presents several significant advantages. First, pages can be created quickly and easily from any Web-connected computer. Second, the Blackboard system also has some very powerful class management and instructional tools, such as assignment drop boxes, message boards, and the Virtual Classroom tool that serve to support and enhance classroom instruction. Blackboard also integrates with our student information system so that when students log in to the system, Blackboard recognizes the student and compiles all of their classes in one simple interface. As a result, students can access information and course resources for all their classes at once, in a 24X7 online environment.

How does Blackboard work?

To create pages in Blackboard, a user simply types information into a form and then submits that form.  The content is added to the teacher’s Web page  automatically. Updates are accomplished by logging  back into the system, changing the content, and then 

submitting the information again. The change in the  Web page is automatic and instantaneous. Students  then access the information by logging into the  Blackboard system from any Web-connected  computer with their regular login and  password.

What can I do With Blackboard?

Post class announcements 

Post a class calendar 

Post information about you and your course 

Post any type of digital document such as Word and PowerPoint documents. Students can down- load the documents they need when they need them 

Post assignments, and link them to documents 

Post collections of Web links 

Create chat areas for students for online collaboration 

Create message boards to have students discuss topics online beyond the traditional school day 

Use the Virtual Classroom to hold online meetings and virtual discussions with students-also bring speakers into your class from anywhere through this feature 

Collect assignments in online drop boxes 

Customize the interface to support your own menu items 

Create online assessments with a variety of questioning strategies 

Create your own online glossary for your class 

Provide a consistent look and feel so that students, especially less tech-savvy students, can locate information quickly and easily 

Have an announcement for Friday but have time to work on Monday? Work when you have the time-Blackboard has a “time-stamp” feature that enables you to determine when the resource will appear on the site

Access and add content to your site from any Web-connected computer

Q: I want my course to remain available to me, but I don't want it to show up in the "My Courses" list.

A: It is possible to "hide" some Blackboard courses from the "My Courses" list on the "My Institution" page. Hidden courses will still appear on the "Courses" page. To Hide Blackboard Courses:

1. The course must be available. Only “available” courses will show on the “Customize My Courses” page.

2. On the “My Institution” page, click the “Edit” button (looks like a pencil) in the top right corner of the My Courses box.

3. Deselect the “Show Course” and “Show Announcements” checkboxes for the classes you wish to “hide”.

4. Be sure to make the course “unavailable” again so it doesn’t show up for all students as well.

Q: Can I remove my old classes from Blackboard?


To lessen critical data loss, the Campus Technology maintains a policy to not remove any classes – instructors should make courses they are no longer using Unavailable.

Q: I have set up my class, but my students cannot see it. Where did it go?

A: Your class is not set to available. To change the status:

1. Enter your class and click on the control panel button.

2. Click on Course Settings

3. Click on Course Availability

4. Click Yes on the "Make Course Available" option

Q: Can I remove a Student from my class?

A: No

Q: Some Students are not enrolled in my course who should be.

A: A student’s name will only appear when they are officially registered (i.e. financially cleared)for the course.

Q: I am teaching a class but it is not there.

A: Check the official registrar’s list of courses for the semester – if you are not listed as instructor contact CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY and let the registrar know that your name as instructor does not appear on the course .

When will Blackboard courses for next semester be created, and when will students be enrolled?

A: The typical schedule for uploading the next term's classes is as follows: the process will be run one month before the first day of classes

Changing Your Blackboard Personal Information & Password

Once you log into TU online you will see a Tools module on the left side of your Welcome… window. Locate the Personal Information tool. Click it to access Personal Information tools and click Change Password to open the Change Password form. Enter your chosen Password (preferably at least 6 characters long and a combination of numbers and letters). Re-enter your password in the Verify Password field and click Submit. 

Note: Modification of your password will NOT occur unless you click the Submit button. For more assistance contact Campus Technology at 334-727-8040

If you cannot login into the system after trying your initial username/password, Please contact CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY with your information, and an account can be set up for you.

I can't login to blackboard?

I can't login to blackboard? What is my username and password?

Go to 

Initially, your Username and Password are the same. Your Username is comprised of the first initial of your first name the first initial of your last name 

(initials must be Upper Case) and all seven digits of your badge ID. 

For Example: JM1234567

The first time you log into your Blackboard account, you will use your Username as your Password.

Lost your password ? Go to Click on Forgot your password? Follow the instructions given.

How to Copy/Move Content in Blackboard

How to Copy/Move Content

Blackboard gives you several tools for managing content:

Content Copy: copy/move items within the site and from one site to another.

Copy Course: copy areas of your course site into another course site.

Import Package: import areas of an exported/archived site into a current site.

How to use Content Copy:

After you add a content item to your site, you will find a three buttons to the right of it: Modify, Copy and Remove.

Click on the Copy button. The subsequent screen shows you 1) what you'll copy, and; 2) what its destination is--which course and which folder in that course.

Select the course into which the item will be copied.

Click Browse (this launches a course map for the selected course) and choose the location in the target course for the item;

If you wish to delete the item after the copy (copy + delete = move), select Yes for "Delete item after copy?"

Click Submit.

How to use Course Copy:

From within the Control Panel click Course Copy (under Course Options heading).

Click Copy Materials into an Existing Course.

Click the Browse button, which will launch a search box, and search for the desired course. (An easy way to generate a listing of courses into which you can copy is to click the Search button.).

Use the Select button to the right of the listed courses to choose the desired course.

Under step (2), select the areas of the source course (which you're currently in) that you wish to copy into the target course;

Click Submit. NOTE: although the system promises to notify you via e-mail when the copy process is complete, that function does not work. In general turnaround time for the operation is less than ten minutes.

How do to link to different areas of my Blackboard course?

The course link enables you to link from one area of your course site to another. For example, suppose you keep your assignments and e-reserve readings in separate content areas. A way to improve your site's navigability for students would be to add a course link connecting a reading assignment directly to the reading. The following steps could apply to such an example:

Click Control Panel and select Assignments (under "Content Areas" heading).

From the Add toolbar, select Course Link.

Provide a name for the link (e.g. "Link to Readings") and any additional comments (e.g., this will link you directly to the readings in Course Documents).

Next, click the Browse button, which will launch a "course map" in the upper right-hand of your browser.

Locate Course Documents in the course map, click the '+' to reveal the contents of the area/folder, and when you've found the content you wish to link to, click the radio button on its left.

Click Submit to close the course map.

Click Submit to finish creating the link.

How do I link to a web page outside of Blackboard?

To add a link to a course site:

Click Control Panel and enter one of the Content Areas, such as "Course Documents".

From the Add toolbar, select External Link.

Provide a name for the link, enter URL of website and provide annotation (optional).

Select desired options

Click Submit.

How do I create a folder in Blackboard?

Click Control Panel and select Course Documents (under "Content Areas" heading).

From the Add toolbar, select Folder.

Provide a name for the folder, or select one of the names provided by the pull-down menu.

Add descriptive text to the folder name in the text box.

Select options for controlling duration of announcement display: display seven days (default), display permanently or display for date range specified (Tip: be sure to check the boxes to the left of "Display After" and "Display Until").

Click Submit.

How do I to upload content?

To upload a file into Course Documents, enter your course site and:

Click Control Panel and select Course Documents (under "Content Areas" heading).

From the Add toolbar, select Item.

In the Content Information section 

(1)Provide a name for your document by either selecting from the pull-down menu or entering a name into the text box beside "or specify your own name".

Under Content section 

(2) Click the Browse button and locate the file you wish to upload. Provide link text for the file (optional) and leave the pull-down menu to its default setting of "Create a link to this file." Note: for information on what types of files you can upload, see "What kinds of files can I upload" above.

Select any additional desired options in the Options section

(3)Click Submit

What kinds of files can I upload into Blackboard?

You can upload many different types of files into Blackboard. The following file formats are commonly used in Blackboard:

.htm, .html (web pages)

.pdf (Adobe Acrobat)

.doc (Microsoft Word)

.ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint)

.xls (Microsoft Excel)

.jpg, .gif, .tif (Graphic images)

Creating Course Content

How do I add course content?

Blackboard gives you two basic ways of getting content into your course site: typing/pasting it in directly or uploading it from your computer. In the latter method, the system automatically generates links to your uploaded files and requires no reformatting of your documents.

How do I view a student roster for my course?

To view a list of the students that have access to your course, follow the following steps.

Click Control Panel

Select List/Modify Users (under User Management heading)

Select the List All tab and then click the List All button.

How do I find my Blackboard course once it is created?

Once you've received a notice that your Blackboard site is ready, you can find your course(s) by directing your browser to []. Login with your username and password

A listing of your courses will appear as links in "My Courses" area on Blackboard homepage. (This is where you'll find yourself upon successful login). If you see no courses listed, or see courses other than the one(s) you're looking for, then either the course has not yet been created or you have not been added into the course as instructor.

Here are 10 simple tips to use your Blackboard course site.

1. Type or insert a brief description of the course in the Course Information area.

2. Make your syllabus easily available by attaching it to the Course Information area. Tell students they can download it or you can place the complete syllabus online.

3. Attach papers or articles you want students to look at in the course document area. 

4. As part of the content you include, add some information about yourself and how students can contact you, by going to the Staff Information area from your Control Panel. You can even add a picture of yourself!

5. Use the Discussion Board to start a forum on a topic you would like students to think about. You may get even better results if you tell them their participation will count towards their final grade. 

6. Use the Digital Drop Box to have students send you assignments. You will never lose a student paper again!

7. Avoid problems with students telling you that they missed a class and so did not hear an important announcement. Place your announcements in the Announcement area. Tell your students that they are responsible for checking that area at least twice a week. 

8. You never have to worry about where to keep student email addresses. You can use Send Email to send email to particular students or groups. Messages that are intended for the entire class, however, are more easily made available as announcements (see #7).

9. Keep you students on their toes with quizzes to test their knowledge.

10. Use the Online Gradebook to post your grades. Students will not need to "hunt you down" to find out if you have their grades: they can find out their marks as soon as you have them posted.

Blackboard Videos for Instructors
Need help with Blackboard Learn? Want to learn something new?

Get familiar with features in minutes. Watch short, engaging Blackboard Help videos on our YouTube channel.

You can see the full list of instructor videos and choose which ones you want to watch, or you can view multiple videos in a row about a particular topic using the following playlists.