Blackboard is a software package written by a company called Blackboard, Inc., based in Washington, DC. Tuskegee University purchased a license to use Blackboard, and the program runs off of a dedicated server at Blackboard’s headquarters. Users of Blackboard can interact with the program by using a web browser-based interface and any computer connected to the internet.

Blackboard for Students

Blackboard can organize your class by hosting assignments, grades, discussion tools, course documents, and more. Blackboard is a user friendly tool that enhances your learning. The Blackboard server can be found at http://tuskegee.blackboard.com 

Different professors use blackboard in different ways. Some use it to post a syllabus or lecture notes. Some use it to send email to all students in the class. Some organize class discussions using the discussion board. Some post grades. If your course uses blackboard, the professor will give you more information in the syllabus or during the first few days of class.

Blackboard adds additional learning opportunities and increases interaction between instructors and students.  You will find Blackboard contains many easy-to-use tools for you.

How do I access the Blackboard Student Manual?

Visit the TU Blackboard Help to view the help information on the TU Blackboard Learning Management System.

A generic Blackboard Student Manual is provided by Blackboard.com within each course. Open the course in Blackboard, click Tools and select Student Manual to open the document. It may take a few minutes for the large .pdf document to appear on your screen. The content and functionality may vary based on the modifications made to the product at TU. Instructors may modify, remove or add buttons to a course; therefore, it may change the appearance and functionality of the course. If you have additional problems or issues, contact Campus Technology at 8040 

Why can't I open an attachment?

This may happen because you either don't have the right software program to open the file, or the version of the software you have is too old.

If the file is Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you can download a free viewer that will allow you to open, print, and download documents, but not edit.

Windows - http://office.microsoft.com

Macintosh - http://mactopia.com

Unix users - will need to download and install a software package such as AbiWord, KOffice, or StarOffice.

You may need a plug-in for your browser, particularly for sound, movie, or Adobe Acrobat files. It is a good idea to install the most recent versions of Flash Player, Quicktime, Windows Media Player, Real One Player, and Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.

Attachments may not open if the file name uses special characters. When sending attachments through Blackboard, it is important to avoid using characters such as #, $,%, &, and *. These characters when used in file names can create problems when trying to download them from Blackboard.

Why are some of my courses not listed in Blackboard?

You must be officially registered in order to view your online courses.

I spent a long time on a post in the discussion area and lost it. What can I do?

It is always a good idea to write any text that is long or takes a lot of time to reflect on in a word processing program. This way, you will always have a backup copy for your records should anything happen to the posting in Blackboard.

First, write your text in a word processing program, then do one of the following:

1) do a simple copy of the document and then paste into the text box of Blackboard.

2) save it after using the spellcheck feature, and then use Blackboard's "browse" function to attach the document

My professor has posted some on-line quizzes in Blackboard. Whenever I try to take them, my scores aren't recorded. Am I doing something wrong?

If you are using an older browser you are likely to encounter problems with quizzes and other areas in Blackboard.

I tried to print a Blackboard screen, but only the navigation buttons printed.

Blackboard uses frames. Only one frame can be active at a time, and Blackboard prints the active frame. Click in the main document area (the right side) to activate that frame before using the PRINT command. You can choose FILE and then PRINT PREVIEW before printing to see what it will look like. If you just want to print a linked document, another option is to right-click on the document link (click and hold on Macs) and choose OPEN IN NEW WINDOW. This opens a new browser window, which makes it easier to view and print the document. When you're done with the file, remember to close the new window to return to Blackboard.

Q: My quiz grade is gone!

A: Situation: you successfully took a quiz and got a grade, but later notice that your grade is gone and only an exclamation mark shows up under Check Grades. This happens when the quiz is set to allow multiple submissions and you later look at it again without submitting it, e.g. because you want to print it. This will establish a new attempt at the quiz, erasing all your previous answers! To see your submitted quiz and compare your answers, click on your grade within Check Grades instead - that is safe.

Q: I try to take a quiz or survey but it says "Sorry...you already took this assessment on..."

A: If you look at a survey or a quiz, then press your browser's back button, or you start to take the quiz and do not submit it for whatever reason, the next time you try to take this quiz you will get a message from the Blackboard server

Sorry...you already took this assessment on ...

For fairness reasons, you are typically only allowed to take a quiz once and you are not allowed to see a quiz before taking it for credit. (this will depend on the instructor)

If you feel you are getting this message incorrectly, contact your instructor, giving all pertinent details. If indeed you are getting this message in error, your instructor can reset your quiz attempt and you can take the quiz again.

How do I submit my assignment with the "Assignment Tool?"

Underneath the Assignment Instructions:

Click on >>View/Complete Assignment...

In the Comments section enter any comments you would like your instructor to receive.

To the right of Attach Local File click on Browse to search your computer for the file

Click on the file name and press Open

Click on the Submit button and this will upload the specific file to your course and instructor.

To check you submission:

Click on >>View/Complete Assignment...

You will receive this message: "This assignment is complete. Click OK to review the result."

Q: I can't login to blackboard? What is my username and password?

Go to http://tuskegee.blackboard.com 

Initially, your Username and Password are the same. Your Username is comprised of the first initial of your first name the first initial of your last name 

(initials must be Upper Case) and all seven digits of your badge ID. 

For Example: JM1234567

The first time you log into your Blackboard account, you will use your Username as your Password.

Q: What is the location of the blackboard server?

A: http://tuskegee.blackboard.com

How do I change my Blackboard password or find it if I have lost it?

To change your password, login to Blackboard and then before entering a course site, click on Personal Information under the Tools menu on the far left of the screen. From here select 

Change Password. If you lost your password go to http://tuskegee.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/password

How do I take an exam or quiz on Blackboard?

Not all instructors use the exam function in Blackboard; however, if you are using it in an online course be sure to read all instructions carefully before entering the exam. Blackboard allows instructors latitude on how they can administer their exams. For example, your instructor may choose to specify a time limit for the test (such as 2 hours), or may set it up so you can only enter the exam once. Be sure you understand the instructions and parameters of the test before starting the exam. A few test-taking tips to be aware of: type and save your essay responses in Word and then copy and paste them into the exam and contact your instructor immediately if you see a ? as you try to re-login to an exam. 

Once finished with an exam, be aware that although Blackboard can grade many questions, often times the instructor has to check the exams too. Please allow your instructor time to finish reviewing the exams. When the grades are complete, your instructor will make the grades available to you on Blackboard.

How do I use the Discussion Board?

The Discussion Board is a communication tool that can be used to enhance a course website. Topics are posted to the Discussion Board that course participants can reply to and converse about online. This feature is designed for asynchronous use, meaning students do not have to be online at the same time to have a conversation. The Discussion Board logs and organizes all conversations, which are grouped into threads that contain a main posting and all related replies for easy retrieval.

To go to the Discussion Board, open a course and click the Discussion Board button or enter through the Communication button. To access a forum listed on the Discussion Board page click a forum topic link. When a forum is accessed a page appears which lists the different threads in the forum. 

To start a new thread, click on Add New Thread. The Create New Message page will appear; enter a new subject, title, and discussion description. To reply to a message posted, click on Your Response. Attachments can be included when you reply to or post a message. Click on the Browse button to find the file you wish to attach.

How do I view old Announcements?

Open a course website and click on the Announcements button. Notice the tabs in the center of the page: View Today, View Last 7 Days, View Last 30 Days, and View All. Click on the appropriate tab to view the old announcement you want.

How do I view my grades?

Get into your Blackboard course and select the Tools button on the left of the screen. Then select My Grades. It is important to remember that some instructors put grades up during the semester and others wait until the end to post grades. Contact your professor if you are concerned about your grade and remember that other students cannot see your grade nor can you see theirs.

For students who do NOT have a Blackboard account:

Contact the registrar and make sure that you are financially cleared and officially registered for your courses

Blackboard Videos for Students


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Get familiar with features in minutes. Watch short, engaging Blackboard Help videos on our YouTube channel.

You can see the full list of student videos and choose which ones you want to watch, or you can view multiple videos in a row about a particular topic using the following playlists.